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Glossary of Terms

Here’s a glossary of terms related to Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS):

    1. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome (AIWS): A rare neurological condition characterized by distorted perception of body size, time, and space.
    2. Micropsia: A visual distortion where objects appear smaller than they actually are, often experienced in AIWS.
    3. Macropsia: A visual distortion where objects appear larger than they actually are, often experienced in AIWS.
    4. Metamorphopsia: A visual distortion where objects appear distorted or misshapen, often experienced in AIWS.
    5. Lilliputian Hallucinations: Visual hallucinations where objects or people appear smaller than normal, a common symptom of AIWS.
    6. Time Dilation: A perception of time being distorted or moving faster or slower than normal, often experienced in AIWS.
    7. Visual Distortions: Abnormalities in the perception of visual stimuli, common in AIWS.
    8. Palinopsia: A visual disturbance where images persist after the stimulus has been removed, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    9. Dysmetropsia: A visual disturbance where the size of objects appears incorrect, often experienced in AIWS.
    10. Cognitive Distortions: Alterations in thinking patterns, including perception of reality, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    11. Migraine Aura: A sensory disturbance that often precedes a migraine headache, sometimes associated with AIWS.
    12. Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A form of epilepsy characterized by seizures originating in the temporal lobe of the brain, sometimes associated with AIWS.
    13. Depersonalization: A feeling of detachment from oneself or one’s surroundings, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    14. Derealization: A feeling that the external world is unreal or strange, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    15. Hallucinations: Sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of a stimulus, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    16. Neurological Disorder: A disorder affecting the brain, spinal cord, or nerves, often associated with AIWS.
    17. Migraine Headache: A type of headache characterized by severe throbbing pain, sometimes associated with AIWS.
    18. Aura: Sensory disturbances that precede a migraine headache or seizure, sometimes associated with AIWS.
    19. Perceptual Disturbances: Abnormalities in the perception of sensory stimuli, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    20. Childhood Onset: The condition begins in childhood, typically between the ages of 5 and 10, often the case with AIWS.
    21. Transient Episodes: Episodes of symptoms that come and go, often experienced in AIWS.
    22. Visual Perception: The process of interpreting visual stimuli, often distorted in AIWS.
    23. Auditory Hallucinations: Hearing sounds or voices that aren’t real, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    24. Somatic Hallucinations: Sensations of physical experiences that aren’t real, sometimes experienced in AIWS.
    25. Psychiatric Disorders: Disorders affecting mood, behavior, and thinking, sometimes associated with AIWS.